The Soccer Wahoos played a solid game today, resulting in a shut-out, in spite of some odd formations that I tried today.
The opposing team only had 7 players, so I agreed to also play only 7 at a time, even though it meant scrapping my pre-planned player rotation. And, since our team had the game well under control the whole time, I also experimented with some different formations.
We usually have 3 defenders, 2 midfielders, and 2 forwards (plus a goalkeeper). But, in this game, at various times, I tried 2 defenders, 1 defender, 3 forwards, 1 forward, 3 midfielders, etc. All of it worked fine. If I had been able to use my originally planned 8-player line-ups, I think we would've had even more points.
Our team has now won 2 games in a row, and 3 of their last 4 games. Tomorrow (Tuesday) and Thursday, we will finally have two practices in one week, as we had planned to do every week. Then we have Spring Break, and then our final game of the season.